Game night date change
Please note that our game night has changed to Friday the 18th of August at 6pm
Summer Bible Study Series Starting Jun 28
The series is called Exchanged Life Spirituality by Dr. Ken Boa
The series involves grasping our True Identity in Christ. This approach to spirituality moves from a works to a grace orientation and from legalism to liberty because it centers on our acknowledgement that Christ’s life is our life… and no, there is no prep work.
Answering the Tough Questions
May 21 - June 25 we are doing a sermon series called answering the tough questions. Some topics that will be covered are….
-Isn’t it all by chance
-6 days Really?
-Is the Bible reliable?
-What does that mean?
-How is Jesus the only way?
-What is the point of life?
Tenebrae Service
“Tenebrae” is the Latin word for Darkness. This service is a somber remembrance of what Jesus sacrificed by giving His innocent life on the cross for the redemption of sinners. All of the senses are engaged, as we hear the scriptures read that recount the final moments of Christ leading to the cross. Our eyes see the room darkening while our noses smell the puffs of smoke from the candles being snuffed out one by one. We taste the bread and cup of the Lord’s table while feeling the emotional weight that His disciples would have felt as they watched their hope being sealed away in a tomb. The service concludes and dismisses in silence, but then we return on resurrection Sunday in unmitigated jubilation that the tomb is empty, and Jesus has conquered death once and for all! This ym
This years Tenebrae service will also begin a 24 hour period where the church on Coloma will be open for prayer and spending time listening to the Bible, singing, or worshiping quietly in your heart.
Tenebrae service April 7 at 7pm at Roseville Baptist 1301 Coloma Roseville 95661
Easter Day Service at Twin Oaks Avenue Baptist Church 7690 Tin Oaks Ave Citrus Heights 95610
Combo Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
On Wednesday March 15th we are starting our combination Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. This class will also be a combination zoom and in person time. Please see our events page for more details.
REMINDER 2-7-2023
-Check out the new event twist for our Pastor and Friends Day Out< Feb11th, on the events page.
-Don’t forget out HOPping event collecting tissue and hand sanitizer for Mariposa Elementary
We are H.O.P. ping for kids!!!!!
To show Mariposa Elementary School that we care and want to help in a tangible way—-good germ erasing hand sanitizer and tissues. Our collection box is in the back of our worship center.
Date To Remember!!!!
Sunday January 15 after the AM service we are having our January potluck. Please see our events page for more details.
Reaching the Nations Together
Lottie Moon Foreign Mission offering Our goal: $600
Praise the Lord we reached our goal and more!!!!! $1525
Open Position
Sunday Morning Worship Leader – Temp to Perm
Twin Oaks is looking for a vocalist to serve the Lord in the area of music. This person would be involved in selecting the contemporary and traditional music for Sunday morning, and leading the congregation in worship. He or she will need to briefly prepare, communicate and coordinate some details to ensure that Sunday morning’s worship experience goes smoothly. We currently have a good selection of MP3s that cover a spectrum from praise songs to hymns. Some creative ideas and special musical numbers are welcomed, but not persistently needed. This is a paid position. If interested, please contact Pastor Andre for more information via email at or text or call (916) 671-6658. Thank you.
Lottie Moon
To let everyone know we will be starting our collection for the Lottie Moon foreign missions offering on November 27 and continuing thru the holiday season.
Time change
Reminder to all!!! Time Change. Fall back one hour. If you want to be on time to church Sunday morning don’t forget.
Prayer is Important! - Who’s Your One Prayer Guide Download
October Lord's Supper
Join us October 9 for The Lord’s Supper. Please note that funds for our Benevolence Fund will be collected following the observance of The Lord’s Supper.
Coming in October
Pastor Andre will be starting a prayer campaign in October called Who’s Your One?
For more information join us Sunday mornings.
New stuff!!!
Check out the events page to see our latest information.
We have expanded our online presence. We are now on Instagram at toabc_church
ATTENTION!!!! Time Change
This is to let everyone know that our movie night on August 13th will be starting earlier, at 5pm instead of 6pm.
Again on Saturday August 13 we will be screening Babe at 5pm. Please feel free to call our office with any questions.
Pastor and Friends Day Out
Thanks to all who attended. It was a great time.
New stuff
Make sure to check out our events page for new information posted.