Don’t forget to spring forward an hour
Read the New Testament in a year Part 4- Part 9
Matthew 16 Mark 3
Matthew 17 Mark 4
Matthew 18 Mark 5
Matthew 19 Mark 6
Matthew 20 Mark 7
Matthew 21 Mark 8
Matthew 22 Mark 9
Matthew 23 Mark 10
Matthew 24 Mark 11
Matthew 25 Mark 12
Matthew 26 Mark 13
Matthew 27 Mark 14
Matthew 28 Mark 15
Mark 1 Mark 16
Mark 2 Luke 1
Read the New Testament in a year Part 3
Matthew 11
Matthew 12
Matthew 13
Matthew 14
Matthew 15
Please read!!!
Read the New Testament in a year Part 2
Matthew 6
Matthew 7
Matthew 8
Matthew 9
Matthew 10
Read the New Testiment in a year Part 1
Matthew 1
Matthew 2
Matthew 3
Matthew 4
Matthew 5
We did it!!!!
We hit our Lottie Moon goal of $700. Thank you all for giving!!!!
Christmas Eve service
The Christmas Eve service at our sister church , Roseville Baptist, will be at 6pm December 24th, 2024
Our most recent Lottie Moon total!!!!
Guess what everyone? We are at $185. Just think of all the people we can help share the Gospel with. We can make our goal friends!!!!
Christmas Eve serice at our sister church
Our sister church, Roseville Baptist, is hosting a service Christmas Eve. Join us for an evening of singing traditional Christmas favorites while hearing the story of Christ’s first advent Time will be announced later.
Lottie Moon
We have started collecting for Lottie Moon. Christmas offering. 100 percent of donations received are sent to the International Mission Board to support our missionaries. The goal this year for Twin Oaks is $700. If you would like to make a donation then call or email to make arrangements.
Craft fair and car show at our sister church
Hey everyone. We want to spread the word about an event going on at or sister church Hillsdale Baptist. Please visit the link for more details at
new info
check out our events page for the new dates until the end of 2024
save the date!!
We are planning a Pastor and Friends Day out for June 22. More information will come when it is available.
Open Position
Sunday Morning Worship Leader – Temp to Perm
Twin Oaks is looking for a vocalist to serve the Lord in the area of music. This person would be involved in selecting the contemporary and traditional music for Sunday morning, and leading the congregation in worship. He or she will need to briefly prepare, communicate and coordinate some details to ensure that Sunday morning’s worship experience goes smoothly. We currently have a good selection of MP3s that cover a spectrum from praise songs to hymns. Some creative ideas and special musical numbers are welcomed, but not persistently needed. This is a paid position. If interested, please contact Pastor Andre for more information via email at or text or call (916) 671-6658. Thank you.
We Made Our Goal
Thank you everyone for giving to Annie Armstrong offering. Our goal was $500. We collected $615
Annie Armstrong Offering
This is a special offering that is collected in the Easter season to help missionaries spread the Word. Our goal at Twin Oaks is $500. We are currently at $375. Please remember if you would like to help you can send in a donation also. Just mark it Annie Armstrong.
We are because we care
We love our community!!!!! We want to show Mariposa Elementary School that we care about them and we want to help in a tangible way. We are collecting good germ-erasing hand sanitizers and tissues. If you would like to make a donation, our collection box is in the back of our Worship Center.
check out our events page fpr new things added
Lottie Moon 2023 update
Our Goal $800.00
Collected to date $315.00