Mondays at 6pm Community Bible Study Meeting ID 830 9261 1966
Tuesday at 6pm Prayer Meeting Meeting ID 882 9984 2056 Password 777
Double check the numbers you have
Mondays at 6pm Community Bible Study Meeting ID 830 9261 1966
Tuesday at 6pm Prayer Meeting Meeting ID 882 9984 2056 Password 777
Double check the numbers you have
Hello Twin Oaks Church Family,
We will have our church service tomorrow at 10:45. According to health guidelines, and with some additional cleaning done with strong disinfectants, our facilities are Covid free. The Worship Center and Green Room were given added attention.
I have been given the "all clear" from my doctor, and have tested negative.
1. Let's keep one another in prayer. By so many of us struggling with COVID, we have been given the unusual opportunity to lift ourselves up collectively as a church before the Lord. Yes, I prefer good health for all but here we are.
2. Many of you who were sick should stay home this Sunday, and wait for your condition to improve and to not be contagious. (The sermon will be posted online)
3. Those who chose to attend should not be contagious (fever free, etc), and ideally test negative for Covid.
3. Taking precautions: masks, social distancing, etc will be encouraged.
4. The service will be abridged, but we will have a meaningful time in the Word while worshipping together. Let’s encourage one another.
5. Though unaware of the severity, clearly the virus growing in me on May 22nd touched some of you. My apologies. My pastoral role among other things is to care for your spiritual health, which extends indirectly to your overall health. I regret that for your sake I did not detect my failing health quickly enough.
Grace & Peace to You!
Andre Richner916-671-6658 (cell)"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elli
Due to changes in our ongoing health concerns we will be cancelling our Sunday service. Thanks to the wonderful work of our pastor Andre we will have a new message on our website Sunday morning on the media page.
Due to some ongoing health concerns we have decided to CANCEL our movie night on May 29. We are still planning to hold Sunday morning service at 10:45am. We will plan this event again at a later date. We will make sure to get the information up as soon as it becomes available. If you have any questions please call the office and ask at 916-726-2609.
Because of all the wonderful support from our Twin Oaks family and friends we were able to send $800 to the Annie Armstrong missions fund
May 15 potluck following morning service
May 22 business meeting following morning service
May 29 Movie night (information to come)
Want to remind everyone of our Pastor and friends day out event TOMORROW.
Saturday April 30. we will meet at 1145am at the Sizzler at 5815 Madison.If you are joining us from the TOABC campus head southbound and turn right on Madison. Sizzler will be on your right just past Manzanita. Remember this is NOT a free event, you are responsible for what you order.
We are currently collecting for our Annie Armstrong Easter offering. Our goal is $500
scroll down for all the information
For those who would like to help the Ukraine and don’t know where to begin please visit
(more information to follow)
For parents and educators. Choose the day that is right for you.
Pick the seminar for you. Parent or Educator.
Thank you to all who attended our pastor and friends day out. We had a great time!!!!
Zoom prayer meeting has been moved from Wednesday to Tuesday at 6pm
meeting id: 882 9984 2056
Check our the events page, new events have been added
The entire month of March we are collecting tissues and hand sanitizer for Mariposa Elementary
If you would like to donate please bring it to our campus at 7690 Twin Oaks Ave. Please call our office to see when someone will be available for drop off.
We will be having the Lord’s Supper Sunday Februaury 20
We did it!!! As of January 2,2022 we collected $615 for Lottie Moon.
We are collecting for Lottie Moon, our goal is $555 and as of 12/19/21 we have collected $450. Come on everyone and help us make our goal so we can help our missionary brothers and sisters spread the Word of God.
Don’t forget your winter scarf. Donations will be made to The Glass Slipper.
Check out or Christmas season daily devotional. Remember you can get it online at
We are collecting our Lottie Moon Christmas season offering. Our goal is $555.
Online Bible Study Mondays at 6pm Meeting ID 897 9741 1982 no password needed
Online Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at 8am Meeting ID 882 9984 2056 Password 777
Starting Sunday December 5 you can pick out your winter scarf. Like we have done for years donations will go to The Glass Slipper (see our ministry page for details) We suggest a $10 donation. However our #1 goal is to get a scarf into the hands of your friends and loved ones and the spread the word about the wonderful organization in our community.
The Christmas season is one of the busiest times of the year. But it is also a season of reflection and preparation for the special day when we mark Immanuel’s coming- the arrival of our eternal God in our own frail humanity.
These 25 brief devotional readings from John Piper begin December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our hope is that God will use these meditations to deepen and sweeten your adoration of Jesus and help you keep Him at the center of your Christmas season.
Booklets are arriving next Sunday at our campus. However if you are unable to get a booklet and wish to follow along please follow this link https//
Sunday November 14th is our Thanksgiving potluck
Sunday November 21st TOABC business meeting
( reminder all may attend but only church members can vote at the business meeting)
Our final total for California disaster relief was $2352 !!!! Thank you to all for your giving.