Disaster Relief California

Disaster relief provides Christian love in action by meeting urgent needs of hurting humanity in crisis. While there are many avenues of service, one that is particularly significant is their help to those struck by wildfires.

While a more hands-on opportunity may come to light we can raise funds together now, so this vital ministry can acquire the needed resources and demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way.

We are collecting for this ministry through the end of October 2021. We have currently raised $2,352!!

Our goal is $3000

A note from the pastor regarding service starting 2/14/2021

Hello Twin Oaks Family and Friends

 We are OPEN inside!  The ruling from the Supreme Court has stated that indoor gatherings are a reasonable activity, and is in keeping with our right to worship.  Of course, we will honor CDC precautions.  Our morning Bible study, namely Rosalie’s Growth Group (9:30am), and our morning Worship Service (11am) will be held at its regular times.   

 You have been so faithful.  With just a couple Sundays exclusively online, we were able to keep the worship and fellowship going through this second shut-down.   May the Lord continue to bless His church in 2021!

 Come make a joyful noise with us this Sunday and grow in His Word!

Andre Richner

916-671-6658 (cell)


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep

to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

words from our pastor 1/30/2021

For Sunday, Jan. 31st

Hello Twin Oaks Family & Friends,


We will be having our worship service in the parking lot tomorrow.  Breath in that fresh air with us!  Some of you may enjoy hearing the sermon from the comfort of your car.  This is a good option.  

Business Meeting after the AM Service.

We have a Zoom Community Bible Study this Monday at 6pm.  Come explore the book of Mark with us.  As well, we will be having our prayer meeting this coming Wednesday morning via Zoom as well.  Hope you can make it.

Monday                 Zoom Community Bible Study @ 6pm               Online

                                Meeting ID:  999 0132 9185 


Wednesday          Zoom Prayer Meeting @ 8am *                          Online

Meeting ID: 961 2724 9701
Password: 777    

         * VOM Radio Podcast Interview "In the Presence of My Enemies"  

          with Gracia Burnham, a missionary who had been kidnapped 

          in the Philippines.  You will appreciate her honesty as she found 

          the Lord faithful.   

Please reach out to me with any prayers or concern.  Let continue to grow together and look for the Lord leading in these days.

Grace and peace to you!

 Thank you!

Andre Richner916-671-6658 (cell)andre@toabc.org
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keepto gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

Service for January 24

Hello Twin Oaks Family & Friends

This Sunday outdoor service has been cancelled.  Wow! This was a difficult decision.  According to weather reports, cool cloudy windy morning conditions will give way to afternoon rain.  I believe catching the sermon online and postponing our business meeting would be wise.  Hang in there.

Please, take some time this Sunday to worship in your home.  The sermon will be posted on the website as early as 11am.  (https://www.toabc.org/media)  We are continuing our Agape Connection Series and looking at that challenging obstacle of envy.  There is more to this then you could imagine.

We have an exciting Zoom Community Bible Study this Monday at 6pm .  As well, we will be having our prayer meeting this coming Wednesday morning via Zoom as well.  Hope you can make it.

Monday                 Zoom Community Bible Study @ 6pm             Online

                                Meeting ID:  999 0132 9185 


Wednesday          Zoom Prayer Meeting @ 8am                           Online

Meeting ID: 961 2724 9701
Password: 777    

Please reach out to me with any prayers or concern.  Let continue to grow together and look for the Lord leading in these days.

Grace and peace to you!


I understand that other ministers and churches are disregarding the rules and precautions.  That may be because some American ministers are more arrogant than creative and understanding. To understand my perspective on this matter I would be glad to resend you the “Letter from the Pastor,” which was distributed the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  In the months ahead, if the government regulations become too restrictive and unreasonable, it may be necessary to take a different course of action as the Lord leads. 

Andre Richner916-671-6658 (cell)andre@toabc.org
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot


Mondays at 6pm (Winter/Spring 2020)

No study on holidays

Go ahead giggle , burp , snack

in the comfort of your own living room, while learning great truths from the Bible, the most life-changing book throughout history. Enjoy this virtual study led by Pastor Andre, and together find out more about Jesus Christ. Our study is a question & answer style that honors the authority of Scripture coupled with the need for application to our lives today. All well-meaning people are welcome!

Study Focus:

The Book of Mark .

“How do I endure life in an unkind world?”

“Is it possible to be a leader with a servant’s heart?”

“What’s does Son of God mean?”

“Is this Christian thing just talk,

….or does it make things happen?”

“If I could spend a day with Jesus, what would I discover?” .

These are a few of the questions that this book of the Bible answers as well as many more. You’re welcome to raise questions & share some insights as well.

How do I get to the meeting?

⦁ Go online to https://zoom.us/

(Or google: Zoom Video Conferencing)


⦁ Enter ZOOM Meeting ID: 999 0132 9185

(no password at this time)

You will be invited from the waiting room and asked to identify yourself. The meeting will be closed to new attendees after the first 15 minutes.

Note: Working together in community entails good behavior and courtesy. The Host will manage group dynamics while directing the study.

For more information contact Twin Oaks Ave. Baptist Church at 916-726-2609

A letter from our pastor during these times

Well, let me thanking you for your flexibility and help in this challenging season. Like so many of us I thought this virus would have done its business and been gone by now. Many analysists are reflecting on how this is changing the societal practices and patterns of America forever. Here at Twin Oaks, most of us are simply wondering, “What is happening on Sunday, and when will things be back to normal?” Currently, Sacramento County is in the Widespread tier, which means that by the letter of the law churches can only have gathering outdoors with modifications (CDC guidelines). This information can be found at https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ on the Web. What does the Lord want us to do? He wants us to... To assemble and encourage one another (Hebrews 10:24-25) To come together devoting ourselves to learning, fellowship, prayer, and remembrance of our Savior’s sacrifice and example. (Acts 2:42) To share our joys and sorrow, community implied. (Rom. 12:15) To grow stronger in faith, equipping ourselves for life and ministry. (Eph 4:12, 2 Peter 3:18) To sing and give God praise, and thus gain more resolve and passion to live for Him. (Col. 3:16) Now you’ll notice that none of these points state that we must do this indoors with the comfort of nice seats in a climate control atmosphere. Yes, that would be desirable and certainly help us to focus better. If we weren’t blessed with such a nice church campus and proportionately sized congregation, this would be a real problem. The Lord also wants us to live peaceable and to be in subjection to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1). In the same manner, we don’t want to convey the idea that we are being reckless, especially as some wrestle with the loss of family & friends. Yes, there is some absurdity to all this *, but nothing we can’t handle or anything that the Lord prohibits. Therefore, until further notice we will be meeting outside** for Sunday services on fair days, and regular attendees will be notified on Saturday of any cancellation. Yes, সহ঺঻ it could be worse! Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Let’s not long for the good old days of 2019. Let’s ask the right question, “Lord, what would you have me do?” Let’s encourage each other. Let’s invite people to church. We have an imaginative Creator, who invites you and me, His children, to see the open doors He is creating (2 Cor. 2:12), and go through them. Please let me know how I can help and encourage you. May your Thanksgiving be one where we appreciate the many gifts we have cherished, enjoy today, and will be given.

Grace & Peace to you!

Pastor Andre

Heb 10:24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,

Heb 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging {one another;} and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Eph 4:12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;

2 Pet 3:18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him {be} the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms {and} hymns {and} spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Update for Sunday service because of weather

Here is the latest from our pastor…

Hello Twin Oaks Family & Friends


This Sunday outdoor service has been cancelled.   We are anticipating rain, wind, and rather chilly conditions, certainly not fair conditions.  To understand my perspective on this matter I want to encourage you to reread the “Letter from the Pastor” attached, which was distributed the Sunday before Thanksgiving. 


As many of you know, Sacramento County is not only in the widespread “purple” tier, but under shelter-in-place orders.  Though inconsistencies in regulations and outcomes persist, our cooperation with our governing authorities and our sensitivity to our community concerns is merited.  There are some exciting opportunities ahead of us and the need for prayer before us, so we do well to put despondent thoughts behind us. 


Please, take some time this Sunday to worship in your home.  The sermon will be posted on the website as early as 11am.  (https://www.toabc.org/media)  The message is from Luke chapter 1, Mary’s Magnificat (Song of Praise).  Pastor John Piper has also discussed this passage in an article some years ago, and I think it will bless you. (https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/meditation-on-the-magnificent) You might consider reading a portion of this out loud with a family member. 


We continue to collect our Lottie Moon Foreign Mission offering, please consider how you might give, and please take some time to pray for these faithful missionaries.  I’ve attached the International Mission Board Global Impact Guide.  There’s alot to digest (40 pages), but at least it’s colorful! 😊 And of course, we have been going through the mission prayer videos on Wednesday morning, but here is the link (https://vimeo.com/showcase/7416888) for all you tech-savvy Twin Oakeys.

This remains an important time for Twin Oaks to demonstrate that we are more than a friendly gathering on Sunday, but a family of Christ-followers that enjoy God's love and eternal hope, all the while standing ready to service and sacrifice for His glory.  Please do not hesitate to call, email, or text me (916-671-6658, pastorandre@toabc.org).  I want to encourage you however I can in this strange winter.


Grace and peace to you!

Andre Richner

916-671-6658 (cell)


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep

to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

(the following is the letter from the pastor given out the Sunday before Thanksgiving)

Letter from the Pastor – Twin Oaks, Thanksgiving & the COVID-19 dilemma

During one of our nation’s most trying times, the Civil War,

President Lincoln challenged the American people to turn

their attention and appreciation to Our Almighty Heavenly

Father. May we do the same, and experience God’s hand of

care and guidance.

“The gracious gifts of the Most

High God… should be

solemnly, reverently and

gratefully acknowledged as

with one heart and voice by the

whole American people. -

President Abraham Lincoln,

Thanksgiving Proclamation


Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving

Psalm 95:2


Well, let me thanking you for your flexibility and help in this

challenging season. Like so many of us I thought this virus

would have done its business and been gone by now. Many

analysts are reflecting on how this is changing the societal

practices and patterns of America forever. Here at Twin

Oaks, most of us are simply wondering, “What is happening

on Sunday, and when will things be back to normal?”

Currently, Sacramento County is in the Widespread tier,

which means that by the letter of the law churches can only

have gathering outdoors with modifications (CDC guidelines).

This information can be found at

https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/ on the Web.

What does the Lord want us to do? He wants us to…

To assemble and encourage one another (Hebrews


To come together devoting ourselves to learning,

fellowship, prayer, and remembrance of our

Savior’s sacrifice and example. (Acts 2:42)

To share our joys and sorrow, community implied.

(Rom. 12:15)

To grow stronger in faith, equipping ourselves for

life and ministry. (Eph 4:12, 2 Peter 3:18)

To sing and give God praise, and thus gain more

resolve and passion to live for Him. (Col. 3:16)

Now you’ll notice that none of these points state that we must

do this indoors with the comfort of nice seats in a climate

control atmosphere. Yes, that would be desirable and

certainly help us to focus better. If we weren’t blessed with

such a nice church campus and proportionately sized

congregation, this would be a real problem.

The Lord also wants us to live peaceable and to be in

subjection to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1). In the

same manner, we don’t want to convey the idea that we are

being reckless, especially as some wrestle with the loss of

family & friends. Yes, there is some absurdity to all this *, but

nothing we can’t handle or anything that the Lord prohibits.

Therefore, until further notice we will be meeting outside** for

Sunday services on fair days, and regular attendees will be

notified on Saturday of any cancellation.

Yes, � it could be worse!

Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Let’s not long for the good old

days of 2019. Let’s ask the right question, “Lord, what would

you have me do?” Let’s encourage each other. Let’s invite

people to church. We have an imaginative Creator, who

invites you and me, His children, to see the open doors He is

creating (2 Cor. 2:12), and go through them. Please let me

know how I can help and encourage you. May your

Thanksgiving be one where we appreciate the many gifts we

have cherished, enjoy today, and will be given.

Grace & Peace to you!

Pastor Andre

Heb 10:24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good


Heb 10:25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,

but encouraging {one another;} and all the more as you see the day drawing


Acts 2:42 They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching

and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

Eph 4:12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up

of the body of Christ;

2 Pet 3:18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ. To Him {be} the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching

and admonishing one another with psalms {and} hymns {and} spiritual songs,

singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Update on our service ( a word from our pastor)

Hello Church Family and Friends

 Here’s the plan for my daring flexible Twin Oakeys!

Let’s meet outside in the parking lot next to the trees at 11am.  The chairs will be set up, but for those who want to remain in their cars, we’ll have several drive-in parking spaces available.  The service itself will be abbreviated and, of course, we will be observing CDC guidelines. 


We will be continuing to post the sermons up on the website.


Calling All Participants!!

Hello to everyone out there!!!

We just want to take this time to remind you that in this time in our lives TOABC is here for you. We have two times every week we get together online.

Monday nights at 6pm we have a community Bible study that is open to ALL. Doesn’t matter if you are a new believer or someone who has believed all their life, maybe you are not quite ready but you have lots of questions. This is the place to do that. Lead by our wonderful Pastor Andre this is a great place to discover the wonder of God working in your life. Zoom Meeting ID number 98534965027

Wednesday mornings at 8 am we have a prayer meeting. This is a place everyone is welcome to come in and share or just to listen to the powerful presence of God in everyone’s life. Also lead by Pastor Andre.Zoom meeting ID number 96127249701 Password 777

(any ID and password numbers were posted with permission)

Community Bible Study

We are excited to announce a new event!!

Starting Monday, August 17TH at 6pm

Be encouraged from the comfort of your own living room by the awesome truths of the Bible. Enjoy this virtual study led by Pastor Andre, and find common ground together in Jesus Christ. Our study is a question & answer style that honors the authority of Scripture coupled with the need for application to our lives today. All well-meaning people are welcome!
Study Focus:
The Book of Ephesians .
“Where do I find my identity?”
“Is acceptance a strong tenant in the salvation story?”
“What’s the big deal about grace?”
“Should I call Jesus ‘Lord,’
….and what does that mean?”
“What does living right in a world gone wrong look like?”
“How many Ephesians put lox on their bagels?” .

These are a few of the questions that this book of the Bible answers as well as many more. You’re welcome to raise questions & share some insights as well.

How do I get to the meeting?
⦁ Go online to https://zoom.us/
(Or google: Zoom Video Conferencing)
⦁ Enter ZOOM Meeting ID: 985 3496 5027
(no password at this time)

You will be invited from the waiting room and asked to identify yourself. The meeting will be closed to new attendees after the first 15 minutes.

Note: Working together in community entails good behavior and courtesy. The Host will manage group dynamics while directing the study.

For more information contact Twin Oaks Ave. Baptist Church at 916-726-2609

August 9,2020

This is to let everyone know that we are NOT having our service Sunday August 9, 2020 Our Pastor and his helpers are taking a much needed break so that we can come back on Sunday August 16, 2020 better then ever. Again our next Sunday service will be August 16,2020 at 930 am. Please call our office if you would like further information

July 17, 2020 Words from our Pastor

Hello Twin Oak Family & Friends!


As many of you have heard, churches in our area have been instructed to once again close.  Specifically, the enclosed person-to-person gatherings are not permitted.    As a safe alternative, we are beginning our enhanced Drive-In Tune-In Worship service this Sunday at 9:30am.


Welcome to Twin Oaks:

Drive-In Tune-In Worship Sunday @ 9:30am


What do you mean by Tune-In? 

We will be using a short-range FM transmitter, so you can hear myself or anyone at the microphone through your car’s FM radio!  I will confirm with you the FM channel on Sunday.


Why so early?

Our Sacramento summers are hot, so an early start should be comfortable.


As I’ve shared before, as your pastor I look to encourage and inspire you for the glory of the Lord.  This is new and different, but I believe with some prayer and creativity we can make this a safe interactive experience.


Many of you have been catching the sermons posted online every Sunday at 1pm (www.toabc.org).  Please continue and pass on the opportunity to others. 


Basic Instructions for Drive-In Tune-In Worship:  (please take a moment to read)

Please patiently follow directions.  We will be lining up in rows of five.  As you drive in you will be handed a small plastic bag with service materials inside.  Your car will likely be pinned in for the duration of the service, which should not extend beyond one hour.  Please tune your car radio to the FM channel given.  We’re asking that you please stay in your car during the service and open only the driver-side windows.  The church will be unlocked for restroom emergencies, but otherwise we ask that you maintain physical distance from one another.   Everyone will be instructed to drive off or at least move out of our formation at the end of the service.  Please keep this in prayer, there are a number of challenges here and some amazing opportunities for God to be glorified and lives changed.


Please stay safe and courageous!  Grace & Peace!


Andre Richner

916-671-6658 (cell


"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot