This is a reminder to all that Twin Oaks hosts an online prayer meeting. Our prayer meetings are held Wednesday mornings at 8 am. If you would like all are invited to join. For information on joining our meeting please call or text Pastor Andre (with permission) at 916-671-6658.
We Are Back!!!!!!
Here are some words from our pastor…..
After two long months, we are once again meeting in our Worship Center this Sunday at 10:45am. There are a number of concerns to consider, and guidelines that need to be followed.
I must begin by saying that some of you should not attend. Please do not attend:
· If you are exhibiting flu or cold-like symptoms.
· If you are running a fever.
· If you are by your own assessment in the high-risk category.
(i.e. “If I catch this COVID-19, my health will be in serious jeopardy.”)
· If you have no interest in complying with social distancing and safe health practices.
Please be prepared:
· To wear face masks. (We have some if you do not have your own.)
· To use hand sanitizers. (Provided.)
· To maintain 6 feet of social distancing.
· To have your temperature taken by a “no touch” thermometer.
· To have a briefer modified worship service for this Sunday and several following.
Our experience this Sunday will be unique in several ways.
· The chairs in the Sanctuary will spread out (6 plus feet apart.)
· Singing and reading will be minimal due to the intensity in breathing caused by such.
· We will not be having the children’s Sunday School and Children’s Sermon.
· We will not be having the Offering to God Time.
(The last two points are both due to their inherent design to cause people to cluster.)
· The Service will be designed to not extend beyond an hour.
· The pastor’s handshakes and hugs will be exchanged for fist-bumps and elbow taps.
“What about posting the sermons up on the website?” - Continuing!
“What about Wednesday Prayer Meetings by Zoom?” – Continuing!
Please know that I understand your family and you may have grave concerns of reengaging public gatherings, and so attending on Sunday. Your attendance or lack will not be judged in some legalist fashion. As the Lord guides us, we must all consider carefully how to self-regulate social engagement in light of our health.
Thank you for your patience and your prayers. Praise the Lord! See you soon!
(If you would like the information to attend our prayer meeting on Zoom please call our church office or contact Pastor Andre via e-mail at
Hey Everyone!!! This is just a reminder that Wednesday morning at 8 am Twin Oaks will be hosting its weekly online prayer meeting. Everyone is welcome. This is a great way for us to get together and have tome fellowship. If you would like details on how to join our prayer meeting please call 916-726-2609 or email our Pastor Andre at
Twin Oaks News Blast 4-26-20
Hello Church Family and Friends
Hope you’ve had a good week. The sermon has just been posted, and is available on our website ( ).
Here’s the latest:
· This week 21 households received food deliveries. Thank you to all those who helped.
· Wednesday Prayer Meeting via Zoom Video Conference went well. Your invite from last week should work for this coming Wednesday.
I will be online and able to assist by phone by 7:45am.
· Dynamics of Life in Christ study course starts this Monday at 6pm. Contact me for the Zoom invite.
· What will happen in May? Not clear. We are waiting to see how things progress.
Do you have your invite? Does your friend want to join?
Because Zoom Video Conference Meetings have been occasionally “boomed” by mischievous individuals,
the invite with password is a way to protect these gatherings. Please text or email me if you would like to be part
of the prayer meeting or the Dynamics course.
Have a wonderful week. Let’s be the church wherever we may be!
Take care! Grace and peace!
Andre Richner
Our first online prayer meeting
We’re having an online prayer meeting this Wednesday at 8AM through Zoom Video Conferencing. My apologies I think I said PM in the last email; it should be AM. We’d love to have you pop in and pray with us. This will be a new experience for us all, so patience and positivity (Philippians 2:14) will be needed and appreciated. We will be finish by 9am or slightly before.
No pressure if you have other engagements, or want to pass this week.
Here is the invitation. (Basically click on the Join Zoom Meeting)
Andre Richner is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Twin Oaks Prayer Meeting
Time: Apr 22, 2020 08:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Wed, 7 occurrence(s)
Apr 22, 2020 08:00 AM
Apr 29, 2020 08:00 AM
May 6, 2020 08:00 AM
May 13, 2020 08:00 AM
May 20, 2020 08:00 AM
May 27, 2020 08:00 AM
Jun 3, 2020 08:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
How to Access Zoom
· Visit the Zoom website at and type in your “Meeting ID” (9-digit #)
· OR Download the Desktop app
· OR Download the Mobile app
- iOS phones:
- Android phones:
Take care. Hope your week is going well.
Grace & peace!
Andre Richner
916-671-6658 (cell)
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keepto gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot
Notes from Pastor Andre
Hello Church Family and Friends
Well, if it weren’t for all the shelter-in-place and virus talk, we would be talking about the beautiful weather. Hope you enjoyed some fresh air this week (okay, peppered with a dose of pollen). As I mentioned on Easter Sunday, we are looking to incorporate Zoom Video Conferencing into our ministry.
Here are the links that will get you started.
How to Access Zoom
· Visit the Zoom website at and type in your “Meeting ID” (9-digit #)
· OR Download the Desktop app
· OR Download the Mobile app
- iOS phones:
- Android phones:
Like many of you this is very new to me, and I’m a little hesitant to dive in. But let’s do it! Let’s “gird our loins for action” and have an online prayer meeting this Wednesday at 8pm. We will probably struggle and stumble, but in the end, we’ll pray! And we will know how to pray for each other through the week! And we will get better at this tech stuff!
Please let me of how you’re doing. Text/phone: (916) 671-6658 Email:
Food Closet Deliveries this week. Keep the team in prayer, and let me know if want to be a delivery person.
Don’t forget to check out the Sunday afternoon online sermon. Take care!
Grace & peace!
Andre Richner
What is Zoom?
A cloud-based, teleconferencing service that allows video, voice
or text chats between multiple people.
How to Access Zoom
⦁ Visit the Zoom website at and type in your “Meeting ID” (9-digit #)
⦁ OR Download the Desktop app
⦁ OR Download the Mobile app
⦁ iOS phones:
⦁ Android phones:
Our first drive in service
Our Easter drive in service is done and in the books. Service was great!! Thank you to our wonderful Pastor Andre and our helpers.
Easter Drive In Reminder
Hello Twin Oak Family & Friends!
Hope you are planning to attend the Drive-In Easter Worship Service. Understandably, the words “different” and “unique” come to mind, but my goal as your pastor is to encourage and inspire for the glory of the Lord. I’m hoping we’ll all come away with that experience. Easter Services are typically times where members of our community express a curiosity and interest in the things of God. May the Lord draw people to Himself this Sunday across the globe, as well as Twin Oaks.
Many of you have been catching the sermons posted online every Sunday at 1pm ( Please continue and pass on the opportunity to others. As some of you know, I preface the sermon with a few announcements, so you can catch up on church news and events.
Basic Instructions for Easter Sunday:
Please patiently follow directions. We will be lining up in rows of five. As you drive in you will be handed a small plastic bag with service materials inside. Your car will likely be pinned in for the duration of the service, which should not extend beyond noon. Please stay in your car, and open only the driver-side windows. The church will be unlocked for restroom emergencies, but otherwise we ask that you maintain physical distance from one another. Everyone will be instructed to drive off or at least move out of our formation at the end of the service. Please keep this in prayer, there are a number of challenges here and some amazing opportunities for God to be glorified and lives changed.
Our next Food Closet will NOT be an event. We have been asked to not gather people. Preparations are being made for deliveries to take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (April 22-24) of that week.
There will be a special "Help Now" collection this Sunday.
Please stay safe and courageous! Grace & Peace!
Easter Drive In
Hello Church Family
Yes, you read it right. For Easter, we are going to the drive-in! On April 12th at 10:45am, Easter Sunday,
we will be driving into the church parking lot, lining up in rows of four and celebrating our Risen Savior.
How? Well, this will involve you staying in your car (social distancing), opening your car window about 3 inches,
and coming with a heart ready to worship the Lord & grow in His word. By opening your car window you will be
able to hear me along with anyone else, and we will be able to hear you as you sing praises to the Lord.
This will be an amazing first for us at Twin Oaks, and I'm getting a great deal of input from minister friends.
Barring greater State or local restrictions, this is what we will be doing. Let people know.
(Of course, if shelter-in-place is lifted quickly, we will meet in worship center.)
Take care. Grace & peace!
March 21, 2020
Here is the latest from Pastor Andre…
Good Evening Church Family
Hope you are all healthy and in good spirits. Probably not your usual Friday, but we can embrace the peace of the Lord in these times.
Paul stated by the inspiration of Holy Spirit:
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-7)
Every thought here is so important and true for us children of God.
· We can rejoice in the dark and confusing times.
· Are we operating with a gentle spirit, or one that fights to take control of the uncontrollable?
· The Lord is near, not distant, uninterested, or negligent. He is near to His children, striving to demonstrate His present and words of comfort.
· Let’s take every concern in honest conversation to the Lord in prayer. Here again, we can give thanks that we are presenting our needs to the only one capable of intervening and altering events in a manner that brings out the greatest good.
· The peace of God allows us to respond with positive emotions, true hope, and solid truth.
Please meditate on this passage further.
As I mentioned this morning, we will not be physically gathering this Sunday morning, or on subsequent Sundays until State and County restriction are lifted. I am working on some unique Easter plans, so please stay tune!
Every Sunday by 1pm, Jeremy will be loading a new sermon online with the related sermon notes
Enjoy! Grow! Let’s talk about it afterwords.
Please keep in mind the “Shelter in place” order is not a “Hide in your room” order. It is possible to go for walks, even meet with nonrelatives in your home as long as your practice social distancing and related hygiene habits.
I will be reaching out to each of you, and would be willing & interested in coming by for a visit. How about visiting out on the patio? Some ice tea out on the porch? Some prayer on the veranda? Well you get the idea. There’s still the phone too.
I’ll just close by saying that we had a very good Food Closet yesterday evening. Basically about 30 households were served. This is an important ministry to our community that will be hurting terribly in the days ahead. Thankfully, food distribution done cautiously is still permissible and on the schedule in the days ahead.
Take care! Grace & peace to your all!
Andre Richner916-671-6658 (cell)"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot