Easter Drive In Reminder

Hello Twin Oak Family & Friends!


Hope you are planning to attend the Drive-In Easter Worship Service.  Understandably, the words “different” and “unique” come to mind, but my goal as your pastor is to encourage and inspire for the glory of the Lord.  I’m hoping we’ll all come away with that experience.  Easter Services are typically times where members of our community express a curiosity and interest in the things of God.  May the Lord draw people to Himself this Sunday across the globe, as well as Twin Oaks.


Many of you have been catching the sermons posted online every Sunday at 1pm (www.toabc.org).  Please continue and pass on the opportunity to others.  As some of you know, I preface the sermon with a few announcements, so you can catch up on church news and events. 


Basic Instructions for Easter Sunday:

Please patiently follow directions.  We will be lining up in rows of five.  As you drive in you will be handed a small plastic bag with service materials inside.  Your car will likely be pinned in for the duration of the service, which should not extend beyond noon.  Please stay in your car, and open only the driver-side windows.  The church will be unlocked for restroom emergencies, but otherwise we ask that you maintain physical distance from one another.   Everyone will be instructed to drive off or at least move out of our formation at the end of the service.  Please keep this in prayer, there are a number of challenges here and some amazing opportunities for God to be glorified and lives changed.


Our next Food Closet will NOT be an event.  We have been asked to not gather people.  Preparations are being made for deliveries to take place on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (April 22-24) of that week.

There will be a special "Help Now" collection this Sunday.


Please stay safe and courageous!  Grace & Peace!